Dear Grade 3 Parents,
Parker Elementary School will administer the statewide assessment New Jersey Student Learning
Assessments in Grades 3 the week of May 12, 2025.
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning
Standards, the driving force of our curriculum. Every day, the teachers of Parker Elementary School
incorporate the New Jersey Student Learning Standards within lessons, assignments and
Testing Schedule:
● May 12th- ELA
● May 13th- ELA
● May 14h- Math
● May 15th- Math
● May 16th- Math
Students who are late or absent during testing will be enrolled in make-up sessions. Our flexible
make-up schedule will ensure all students take the NJSLA.
I am proud of the hard work and dedication of our teachers, and I am confident that every student
will be able to perform to the best of their ability.
Jason Sirna